full cast
The full cast of characters in this story! They're categorized by their most relevant locations. Character roles and priorities will be available in their own profiles.
front street
The main protagonists of the story! Gotta love this scrappy group of unlikely friends, each with their own problems to deal with.

capgras & cotard
two identities in conflict with one another over who's truly who.

a rebellious construct trying to figure out who she is despite the very nature of her existence.
linehan township
Citizens of Linehan Township that aren't part of Linehan Institute. The everymen, if you will.
the Township's persuasive mayor who just wants everything normal and under control.
an anxious mortician who has a complicated relationship with death.

a lawyer infamous for her skill and the people she chooses to protect.
an ex-detective who's still determined to get to the bottom of his case.
the organized secretary of Mika's office who accidentally gets involved in the mystery.
a stone-faced psychomancer/doctor who's more anxious than he lets on.
linehan institute
Doctors and staff from the widely acclaimed institute. There was once a semblance of a close-knit group between them.

a laidback but rule-abiding psychologist struggling with his identity and his alliances.

Magnus's energetic construct born from his subconscious.

a talented and charismatic therapist who's determined to prove her theories correct.
the apples
Natasha's group of constructs who act as her second, third, and fourth pair of eyes.

dr. sunshine
a kind and compassionate doctor who recently passed away. The whereabouts of his body are currently unknown.