december 2022
- 12/22/22: christmas break amongst other things
- 12/13/22: i have a mouth and i will talk about ocs
- 12/06/22: updates updates
- 12/05/22: oh god oh my go
christmas break amongst other things
december 22, 2022
Finally I have the time for myself to draw (and code..hehe) !! I accepted commissions like a month ago and I need to get around to working on them soon...but I get distracted easily...hopefully I can get back to it since I'm also motivated to draw a lot.
Glad to announce that I'm finally making some progress with fleshing out the rest of the LOATM cast! I've had a lot of trouble with the side characters, which is a problem since they're extremely important to the middle part of the plot. Which is currently the weakest because I can't find a way to get attached to them...until now :smirk: Most of them I can't reveal all of their information yet, but I'm getting hyped!
Also also, my partner and I made a romantic couple that I've been rotating in my head lately. I'll reveal them soon enough, but I love them so much already KSDJFH
On the topic of webmastery, some major additions to the site are my fanpages on stuff that I'm planning to talk a lot about! My personal favorites so far are the Will Wood and Electric Dreams ones, mostly cause I got to play around with different layouts (and the WW page took me a lot of time to figure out the javascript...)
I have a lot of school things to finish for next year but I'm allowed to take a break, as a treat.
Grounded with Mark Bob and Wade
this code
i have a mouth and i will talk about ocs
december 13, 2022
Alright, I'll be able to do blog posts as a personal ramblings more frequently since I'm (kind of!) close to settling with this code and I no longer have the need to update everyone on everything that's happening with my coding stuff. Anyways, to explain the specific reference of my partner has been getting into Aye Eye media recently, basically stories about or with an A and I character with a major role. Unfortunately I'm swamped with schoolwork and I can't really engage with some of these right now...but I DID read (and listened to an audiobook of) a pretty well-known classic sci-fi dystopian novella called I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. MAN. They weren't lying, those classic sci-fi stories can really leave you with a profound realization about human nature!!!! Anyways I think AM is a really interesting character but also incredibly easy to hate.
Other than all those stuff, I did design a couple of new characters for TIA a coupla days ago! I really liked how they turned out, but I can't make fullbody refs for them because TIMEEE. Anyways here's the Apples! Natasha's trio of constructs that act like minions to her...but they have their own personalities and specialties. They do care about Natasha more than she anticipated.

ANTONOVKA, the silent muscle man who gets protective over the other two. Looks like he can kill you (and he can) but he's secretly quite a softie.

MYRA, the sneaky femme fatale who does all the talking if needed. She's also very proficient with changing her appearance when she's doing spy stuff.

SURPRISE, the wild card who hangs around with Natasha the most. She's almost unpredictable and she loves causing chaos and mischief.
I'll add them in the cast page for TIA once I have the time to do that...but yeah! Fun fact, they are named after apple cultivars :D I always have a blast naming the characters in this project, since it always feels like I'm that BFU meme ("I'm connecting the dots" "You're not connecting shit" "I'm connecting them")
On another note, I got quite inspired a little while ago and when I have the time, I will set up my interests/shrines pages soon! Man I'd love to talk about all my interests.
I/Me/Myself by Will Wood
this code + assignments
dinner (soon)
my assignments
updates updates
december 6, 2022
I think that's all of the updates in terms of layout stuff I was planning to do today. I'll add more of the missing pages whenever I'm free...but yeah! I think it looks pretty neat and I'm happy about the changes :D tho maybe I might make some adjustments to the sidebar...we'll see what I can do. I think the last page I need to update is the TIA landing page, tbh I haven't been too convinced with its colors as well so I might change those too.
I'll also slowly start working on character pages and layouts when I'm free!! I'm quite excited for it >:] I've also collected a couple of good stuff to upload for the archive pages! I WILL also try to make a button for my site soon, I've found some neat fonts to use >:3
That's mostly it for now, I'll update the changelog when I can but! YEAH!! I have an assignment to start due midnight tonight...look it's a reflection type paper and I can pull anything outta my butt for these sorta papers but man I just really wanted to get this one over with.
Market plier
the codies
oliz fr
relieved but still stressed
oh god oh my go
december 5, 2022
Ok. Yet ANOTHER layout from yours truly, though by the time I'm writing this I'm still testing whether or not this looks as good as I want it to.
Because of the layout change, I also changed around my site structure a bit, which hopefully makes sense?? Got inspired by everyone who's got a neat little sidebar and YEAH i have been worrying about my site being TOO professional and clean-looking (even though it's FINe to do whatever, I tend to go for simple stuff to not overwhelm myself) but I still feel it's not as personalized as it could be. The biggest hurdle is to try this out with my character template, which might look squished and stuf...whatever I'll work on it
I DID try to add Bootstrap on here but the feature (Sass) I wanted to use the most is a little complicated to install, so I'm like ehh. I might try it again but I'm content with sticking to good ol fashioned CSS B)
A FUN addition to this blog page: Filtering tags! I'll categorize the buttons into neater categories, this is all I can do for now. I have also been working on archiving my DeviantArt stuff (which I got into a problem with my ISP because for some reason they blocked DA's image servers?? And I couldn't see anything on DA AT ALL I had to use a VPN)
I was meaning to update this on my birthday, which was a week ago, but I was too busy to. Well anyways, I'm 22 now!
the codies
so fuckin eepy