
Updates and life stuff and ramblings! I may add more tag categories in the future...

the portal update

march 9, 2023

Well well well! I actually got to go back home for this week because of...stuff...but yeah while I'm here I might as well try to give you updates! I've been adjusting pretty well in university life as I've survived one month of being back to uni. It's been nice except for the lack of wi-fi where I'm staying but hwhatever!! Aside for that I've been thinking about my ocs, and reviving one particular story that has stuck with me for a while...

...and then I heard that Portal 1 and 2 were on sale and I played them and now I'm obsessed. I've been in a kick of looking around for fancontent after I finished both of them (which btw! Absolutely unique and fun games all around, SURE I got frustrated with some of the puzzles but that's a skill issue and also the rest of the game really offsets any frustrations of mine). Still in awe that Portal 2 especially still looks good 12 years later, and honestly? I'm glad I could experience these games.

Here's a couple of fanart and fan designs I made! Hope you like them :] My absolute favorite is GLaDOS, sorry it's women's month I have to mention it. I love evil women I think she's allowed to do whatever she wants actually. If I'm still very obsessed with this game then I'll add a shrine for it in my interests page.


this online class


this code








a little eepy but doing alright

anddd i'm back to school!

february 15, 2023

Alright, it's been a month apparently since I made a blog post. I've been generally very busy and I still am, considering I'm back in my university to study! For the first time in a while, I'm attending face to face classes once again. It was a whole crisis trying to register for this semester--as it always was with this university--I was considering making a blog post of me just ranting about it until I decided against it. Turns out that even attending uni is very stressful, but for reasons privy to only me I know I shot myself in the foot with that one. I've been through a week of this and I'm at least starting to ease into it, but boy! There's a lot of shit to do!!

Enough about all this ranting, I am faring pretty well since I did miss walking around the campus and I missed having a proper place to actually LEARN shit and now I won't be as DISTRACTED as much, but I need to consider a lot more stuff this time around. I just hope I survive.

Updates on this site will definitely not be as frequent as before, but I'm looking forward to working on this more when I have the time :] I'm gonna be mostly focusing on school stuff, story things, as well as owed art too!




this code


dinner. soon




school stuff


aheehee ahoohoo (stresst)

semester break, updates

january 15, 2023

Well well! Guess who finished her classes a few days ago B) Super relieved that I can finally just wind down and enjoy drawing and or/working on this site. It's therapeutic in a way. Though I'll be busy with family stuff in a few days, but nothing that will eat my time too much.

Anyways, I also revamped the layout for Therefore I Am and I'm working on a revamp for LOATM's pages too! I figured they'd have layouts to match the story vibes, and I figured I could play around with layouts more frequently >:3c I've also been using semantic tags rather than generic tags (which I didn't know about so don't Judge me!!!) And I'm planning to overhaul my. EVERYTHING. here. For the "default style" pages, you won't see any major differences except for one or two new things, I'm just gonna replace the tags which SHOULD not change anything appearance wise...

But yeah, I'd really like for this site to be accessible...and that's starting with understanding the gawdamn reader view cause I still don't understand the rules of it...but it's working! Somewhat.

In other news, Will Wood released his live album In Case I Die ! And it's been a pretty fun listen so far. I'm enjoying it immensely.




this code








doinnn Goooooood

happy new year!

january 2, 2023

YOOOO this is a little late but I've been busy celebrating with my family! I get to have an excuse!! There's not much to update here other than I wish people a wonderful new year to come :3c I think 2022 gave me a lot of wonderful experiences that outweighed the downsides of everything, and I just hope 2023 is just the same (but like...with a lot more goodness. And perhaps some time to relax and slow down).

I think it's worth mentioning that I rewatched Knives Out with my family and then watched Glass Onion, and HOO boy I love both of these movies so much. They're SUCH cool movies as a mystery lover these are just incredible. It gave me a lot of inspiration to solidify one of my old story ideas more...We'll see how it goes! I'm already being haunted by school deadlines for this month but at least this will be the final month for this break is getting closer...

Also, I'd like to show off my last artwork for 2022! The second and third one are the 2020 redraw and the 2014 original arts respectively. This is the biggest piece I made by far and I'm really proud of it! Most of my main characters are in this piece.

Looking forward to whatever this year has in store! I probably won't be coding in the immediate weeks but I will be back >:] I also moved my guestbook to smartgb dot com because for some reason html comment box makes the previous comments disappear? Which kinda sucks? But whatever ... I managed to streamline my CSS and also FINALLY polish how the blog filter tag system worked...dang


Twilight - ELO


this code








stressed a little bit

christmas break amongst other things

december 22, 2022

Finally I have the time for myself to draw (and code..hehe) !! I accepted commissions like a month ago and I need to get around to working on them soon...but I get distracted easily...hopefully I can get back to it since I'm also motivated to draw a lot.

Glad to announce that I'm finally making some progress with fleshing out the rest of the LOATM cast! I've had a lot of trouble with the side characters, which is a problem since they're extremely important to the middle part of the plot. Which is currently the weakest because I can't find a way to get attached to them...until now :smirk: Most of them I can't reveal all of their information yet, but I'm getting hyped!

Also also, my partner and I made a romantic couple that I've been rotating in my head lately. I'll reveal them soon enough, but I love them so much already KSDJFH

On the topic of webmastery, some major additions to the site are my fanpages on stuff that I'm planning to talk a lot about! My personal favorites so far are the Will Wood and Electric Dreams ones, mostly cause I got to play around with different layouts (and the WW page took me a lot of time to figure out the javascript...)

I have a lot of school things to finish for next year but I'm allowed to take a break, as a treat.


Grounded with Mark Bob and Wade


this code









i have a mouth and i will talk about ocs

december 13, 2022

Alright, I'll be able to do blog posts as a personal ramblings more frequently since I'm (kind of!) close to settling with this code and I no longer have the need to update everyone on everything that's happening with my coding stuff. Anyways, to explain the specific reference of my partner has been getting into Aye Eye media recently, basically stories about or with an A and I character with a major role. Unfortunately I'm swamped with schoolwork and I can't really engage with some of these right now...but I DID read (and listened to an audiobook of) a pretty well-known classic sci-fi dystopian novella called I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream. MAN. They weren't lying, those classic sci-fi stories can really leave you with a profound realization about human nature!!!! Anyways I think AM is a really interesting character but also incredibly easy to hate.

Other than all those stuff, I did design a couple of new characters for TIA a coupla days ago! I really liked how they turned out, but I can't make fullbody refs for them because TIMEEE. Anyways here's the Apples! Natasha's trio of constructs that act like minions to her...but they have their own personalities and specialties. They do care about Natasha more than she anticipated.

ANTONOVKA, the silent muscle man who gets protective over the other two. Looks like he can kill you (and he can) but he's secretly quite a softie.

MYRA, the sneaky femme fatale who does all the talking if needed. She's also very proficient with changing her appearance when she's doing spy stuff.

SURPRISE, the wild card who hangs around with Natasha the most. She's almost unpredictable and she loves causing chaos and mischief.

I'll add them in the cast page for TIA once I have the time to do that...but yeah! Fun fact, they are named after apple cultivars :D I always have a blast naming the characters in this project, since it always feels like I'm that BFU meme ("I'm connecting the dots" "You're not connecting shit" "I'm connecting them")

On another note, I got quite inspired a little while ago and when I have the time, I will set up my interests/shrines pages soon! Man I'd love to talk about all my interests.


I/Me/Myself by Will Wood


this code + assignments


dinner (soon)




my assignments



updates updates

december 6, 2022

I think that's all of the updates in terms of layout stuff I was planning to do today. I'll add more of the missing pages whenever I'm free...but yeah! I think it looks pretty neat and I'm happy about the changes :D tho maybe I might make some adjustments to the sidebar...we'll see what I can do. I think the last page I need to update is the TIA landing page, tbh I haven't been too convinced with its colors as well so I might change those too.

I'll also slowly start working on character pages and layouts when I'm free!! I'm quite excited for it >:] I've also collected a couple of good stuff to upload for the archive pages! I WILL also try to make a button for my site soon, I've found some neat fonts to use >:3

That's mostly it for now, I'll update the changelog when I can but! YEAH!! I have an assignment to start due midnight tonight...look it's a reflection type paper and I can pull anything outta my butt for these sorta papers but man I just really wanted to get this one over with.


Market plier


the codies






oliz fr


relieved but still stressed

oh god oh my go

december 5, 2022

Ok. Yet ANOTHER layout from yours truly, though by the time I'm writing this I'm still testing whether or not this looks as good as I want it to.

Because of the layout change, I also changed around my site structure a bit, which hopefully makes sense?? Got inspired by everyone who's got a neat little sidebar and YEAH i have been worrying about my site being TOO professional and clean-looking (even though it's FINe to do whatever, I tend to go for simple stuff to not overwhelm myself) but I still feel it's not as personalized as it could be. The biggest hurdle is to try this out with my character template, which might look squished and stuf...whatever I'll work on it

I DID try to add Bootstrap on here but the feature (Sass) I wanted to use the most is a little complicated to install, so I'm like ehh. I might try it again but I'm content with sticking to good ol fashioned CSS B)

A FUN addition to this blog page: Filtering tags! I'll categorize the buttons into neater categories, this is all I can do for now. I have also been working on archiving my DeviantArt stuff (which I got into a problem with my ISP because for some reason they blocked DA's image servers?? And I couldn't see anything on DA AT ALL I had to use a VPN)

I was meaning to update this on my birthday, which was a week ago, but I was too busy to. Well anyways, I'm 22 now!




the codies








so fuckin eepy

road trips and reflections

november 27, 2022

We went on a little road trip yesterday! It was fun but I felt really tired by the end of it. I got my sleep now, but I still feel a bit out of it. Thought about what I'd add to my story pages while we were out...I thought I might be a bit TOO into completing my site right now, and I gotta slow down DSFSDKH sorry I just get excited!!

On that note, I've changed the "stories" set up to "creations" just because I wanted to add a character directory, and idk if that warranted another separate navigation category. So now there's stories and characters! I've also updated the landing page for Therefore I Am! Pretty excited about this one too. I also like how my main page is looking so far :] finally I got around to changing that KJSDHFS

Anyways, I also think I might just let my commissions be written on my carrd...? I thought about it more, and it was a concern of mine from when I started out working on this site...I think it would be better for me if I separate my business stuff from my personal stuff, and this site is pretty personal already. I'll think on it a little more but I may have to remove the page completely and just redirect people to my carrd if they're interested in doing business with me. I still need to update that carrd it's a little outdated JKSDHFSD

I'll probably take a break from updating more stuff, mostly because I'm gonna be focusing on assignments and organizing my archived stuff to upload here. Who knows!


nothing right now


the codies









story time!

november 25, 2022

This is probably the most updates I've had to do in one fell swoop so far...Mostly because I'm just really excited to work on the story portion of my site!! My first main project's landing page, Lamentations of a Time Machine, has been set up now. I've also finalized my two main story's logos which should make my work a bit easier. I would work on Therefore I Am next but! I need to finish an assignment first WEUHFDFDG

The inner pages of each story has not yet been set up, but their toyhouse folders have been linked if you'd like to see more of them now than later. It was a little complicated trying to figure out how to change the styles of the story pages without having to use multiple CSS sheets at once. It would've been a lot easier for me to use bootstrap but I'M DETERMINED TO learn on my own this time.

This learning curve is kicking my ass btw, because the commissions page has been set up as well but it took me SO long to try and figure out how to achieve the look I wanted (and as of now I STILL HAVEN'T figured it out). If you want an idea of what I wanted to achieve, just look at my carrd linked in the comms page. Multiple lightboxes are so HARD if I really can't figure it out, I will have to go for a much simpler alternative (no JS needed).

Future plans include using filters for this blog page, creating lore and cast pages, and perhaps adding more archive pages though I still need to properly arrange them first.


idk Markiplier




ice cream







archives, birthdays, movies

november 20, 2022

Just got back home from watching the latest Marvel was pretty good! Without saying spoilers, it's very powerful in handling its emotional themes. But also I have some qualms with the Marvel franchise lately so I'm a little less excited. But it was still a cool movie all in all!

Also yesterday we went to celebrate my dads borthday, it was fun! But also time-consuming... It was a busy weekend for me for sure. I really want to do some art more regularly but school's been eating my time as well...hopefully I can find some time to do stuff!

I was able to write out and format more info on my about profile, and I adjusted some stuff for the gallery modals so it looks better on mobile. Also added an archive landing page! I've been downloading my old art, but idk why some of them are considered corrupted on both Sai and PS when I can open them on my image viewer just fine...I'll have to look more into it. But at least that's a fun sneak peek >:3


Black Panther: Wakanda Forever






milk tea





gallery page wip!

november 17, 2022

Ohh my god this took a while to figure out...but I started working on a gallery page format that I want to achieve! It's pretty close to what I want, though I still need to check for mobile responsiveness and general...performance...I had to lower the max-width a little bit because apparently having it 100% will make the page lag a little because of the size of my works. I COULD technically downsize them, but. I don't want to. If this persists and I can't find any other solutions I will have to make these images smaller.

I'll add more to it, of course, but for now these are the most recent art that I'm proud of! Also I changed the blog format a bit, to make things less busy


Snapcube Playthrough






nothin (2)




wawa wawawa

tiny updates + stuff happenin

november 12, 2022

Nothing much is new for this one! I just updated my about page, edited the navigation (the links are named but not yet set up!), moved the site map in its own page, and prettied up the 404 screen. Also I changed the title for each of the pages to properly mirror the style I'm going for!!

I'm just working on school stuff mostly, coming out of my school break, the requirements have piled up :( but I've gotten some breathing room at least for now! Trying to finish my owed art as well. I REALLY want to set up my art pages soon, but the gallery stuff is going to be a challenge to figure out.

ALSO I downloaded Ace Attorney Dual Destinies finally!! I stopped at Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney because I didn't know how to emulate these games...but I found a way to do it on my phone. It's honestly really fun to watch the 3D animations, but the 2D style is always gonna be my favorite. Athena Cykes is growing on me not gonna lie.

I ALSO JUST SAW THE FUCKINNNNKDJSFSD BLUE CHECKMARK... good work neocities. On the topic of That Social Media, I just want to say I'm getting a lot more active on my TUMBLRS!! (my art blog / my main blog where I like/follow/reply from) and I'm always reliably active on TOYHOUSE so if you wanna follow, you know where to find me!


Prop Hunt






right now




wawa wawawa

back in biz + new goddamn layout + mid-semester break

october 25, 2022

Alright. Hi. I'm REALLY sorry I keep changing the layouts, I'm never satisfied with anything KJDSFHSD but I'm sure I'll stick with this one ?? I really like how this looks for real, and I'm trying to make it compatible with my...plans... :smirk:

I have a lot of free time this week, though I have a couple of art stuff I wanna work on before I go back to class next week. In the meantime, I'm working on coding this site! I'm very excited for the story section personally, since I have a very specific vision for them...I hope I can pull it off lmao. I'll try to work on the other simpler pages first! Just like the about page - which I'll add to more later :]




more of this shit


maybe I'll eat chocolate later





OTHER STUFF thinking of replacing this

blog page creation, internet cut-off

october 6, 2022

I'm finally adding a proper blog page! The navigation links still need to be fine-tuned later the more I work on this, so expect some small adjustments here and there. In other news, I'm working on a test page that's still hidden...Adding and adjusting more stuff, I need to fix the mobile responsiveness of this site cause it's just gonna bug me DHFDSJH bootstrap really spoiled me godamn.

Also I'm adding a neat section below, something similar to the good old days of Deviantart journal posting. Just for fun! I won't include it in the earlier entries even if I've added them here today. All of the previous entries were directly taken from the older versions of my site.

I picked this up again because I didn't have anything else to do, the internet went out since noon for me. I also made some logos/title designs for my stories in between, and I'm pretty excited to clean it up and show it publicly!!


2econd-2ight-2eer by Will Wood


this shit








idk deviantart removed the shit here im sad about it

new layout...2!

october 4, 2022

Another layout revamp after not touching this site for a while...I think I've finally got a solid idea of what I really want this site to look like. The navigation links don't work just yet! Learning a lot about flexboxes and columns (I'm used to bootstrap but I wanted to try doing it from the ground up)...anyways I'll try to work on this more regularly but I can't promise anything lmao!!

new layout

april 30, 2022

Ahhhhh okay I figured out how to do the silly mobile responsiveness thing. Might stick with this layout, might not. But it looks cool! Also I'm gonna start logging in updates for this site. I won't be able to work on this until much later again...but you know, I'll be back >:3

hello world!

march 4, 2022

First registered into neocities :D ! I was just playing around with the layout, i didn't do a lot in between this and the latest update. But yes, planning to use this as an original character directory.